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Urban problems


a tourist how said he had been there twice the first time 2 years ago then he went back and could see a noticeable deference in the amount of people and it was becoming really overcrowdede

physical features that are an issue for Tehran

Tehran is right next to a big mountain as it is vulnerable to landslides. scientist also say that they are due for a really bad earth quake which could happen any minute.

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Environmental issues in Iran especially in urban areas mainly from vehicle emissions which makes to poor air quality. They also have a lot of land fill. A NCRI showed some districts of Tehran’s tap water is polluted and undrinkable said. Tehran is rated as one of the world’s most polluted cities.


Infrastructure issues

Two issues that Tehran have to fix is Gail overcrowding were there a way too many prisoners then they have room for. There are people sleeping on the floor and more than one person in the beds. And hospital over crowded were there are more people who need to get treated than people who are getting treated.

Government issues

Iranian students begin protesting after a dormitory at the University of Tehran is raided by riot police overnight and a student is killed.

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